
Utility code for I/O.

Header: fiction/io/csv_writer.hpp

class csv_writer

Utility class for writing delimited (e.g. CSV) data into an output stream. It provides a variadic member function, write_line, that can take an arbitrary number of arguments and write them to the provided output stream in a line separated by a specified delimiter.

The csv_writer follows some behavior principles:

  • Any standard data type can be written to the output stream.

  • Data arguments written will be separated by the specified delimiter.

  • A newline is written at the end of each line.

  • If write_line receives no arguments, it only writes a newline.

  • The last value written in a line is not followed by a delimiter.

  • No checks for escape characters are performed.

Example usage:

std::ofstream file("output.csv");
csv_writer writer(file);
writer.write_line("Name", "Age", "City");
writer.write_line("Alice", 20, "New York");